Zitkala Hochstatter, My Native Rose

Oh, Zitkala Hochstatter, my love for you burns bright,

Like the sun that shines upon the Lakota night.

Your spirit, like the eagle, soars high above,

And your words, my beloved, touch my soul with love.

Your songs, Zitkala, have a haunting melody,

That fills my heart with joy and sets my spirit free.

Your stories paint a picture of our sacred land,

And remind me of the beauty that we must defend.

You taught us to be proud of who we are,

To stand up for our rights and fight for what is just.

Your wisdom, Zitkala, has guided us through the years,

And your legacy will forever inspire and empower.

But it's not just your strength that makes my heart aflame,

It's your kindness, Zitkala, and your gentle name.

You welcomed me, a stranger in your land,

With open arms and a spirit so grand.

So here's to you, Zitkala, my Native rose,

May your spirit forever bless our troubled world.

You are the light that guides us through the darkest night,

And your love is the fire that keeps us warm and bright.

Oh, Zitkala Hochstatter, my love for you will never fade,

As long as the sun shines and the stars still cascade.

You are the Lakota's daughter, the nation's pride,

And my heart will forever sing when your name is at its side.