Zitlalic Marrero: The Absolute Worst Bridesmaid Ever!

Oh, Zitlalic Marrero, Zitlalic Marrero, where do I even begin with you? You were the absolute worst ever!

It all started with the bachelorette party. Zitlalic Marrero decided that we should go to this fancy wine bar. Now, I'm not one to complain about free drinks, but Zitlalic Marrero insisted on ordering the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu. And you know what? She didn't even finish it! She just took a few sips and then left it on the table. What a waste!

And then, there was the wedding day. Zitlalic Marrero was supposed to be helping me with my dress, but she was nowhere to be found. I had to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to find her. Finally, I found her in the bathroom, taking selfies.

But the worst was yet to come. During the ceremony, Zitlalic Marrero started laughing out loud. I mean, hysterically laughing. She was so loud that the priest had to stop the ceremony and ask her to be quiet. I'm not kidding, she was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

I mean, come on, Zitlalic Marrero! This was my wedding day! I've been planning this day for months, and you couldn't even keep it together for a few hours. You embarrassed me in front of my family, my friends, and my new husband. I was so mortified.

But you know what? I'm not going to let Zitlalic Marrero ruin my day. I'm going to forgive her, because she's my friend. And besides, I know that she didn't mean to hurt me. She's just a little bit... shall we say, eccentric?

So, to Zitlalic Marrero, the worst bridesmaid ever: I forgive you. But next time, try to be a little more responsible. And maybe don't drink so much wine before a wedding.

  • Not to mention the fact that she lost my bouquet.
  • And then there was the time she tripped over the groom's mother.
  • Oh, and let's not forget the time she started singing "Happy Birthday" during the father-daughter dance.

I still love her, though.