Zizi Kodwa

"The rise and fall of a political enigma"
Zizi Kodwa was a South African politician who served as Deputy Minister of State Security from 2014 to 2017. He was a controversial figure, known for his outspokenness and his close ties to former President Jacob Zuma.
Kodwa was born in 1969 in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. He joined the African National Congress (ANC) as a young man, and was involved in the anti-apartheid struggle. After the ANC came to power in 1994, Kodwa held a number of positions in the government, including as a member of parliament and as a provincial minister.
In 2014, Kodwa was appointed Deputy Minister of State Security. This was a controversial appointment, as Kodwa was seen as being too close to Zuma. Kodwa's tenure as deputy minister was marked by a number of scandals, including allegations of corruption and nepotism. In 2017, Kodwa was fired from his position by Zuma.
Kodwa's dismissal was seen as a sign of Zuma's waning power. Kodwa was a close ally of Zuma, and his firing was seen as a sign that Zuma was losing his grip on the ANC. Kodwa's dismissal also led to speculation that he might challenge Zuma for the leadership of the ANC.
However, Kodwa never did challenge Zuma for the leadership of the ANC. He remained a loyal supporter of Zuma, even after Zuma was forced to resign as president in 2018. Kodwa died in 2021 at the age of 51.
Kodwa was a complex and controversial figure. He was a loyal supporter of Zuma, but he was also a vocal critic of the ANC. Kodwa's death was a loss to South African politics. He was a passionate and outspoken politician who was not afraid to speak his mind.
Personal Reflection
I met Zizi Kodwa on a few occasions. He was a charming and charismatic man. He was also a very intelligent man. He was always well-informed about the issues of the day. I found him to be a very interesting and engaging person.
I was saddened to hear of Kodwa's death. He was a talented politician who had a lot to offer South Africa. He will be missed.