How to Store Cheap Shatter Without Compromising Quality

When it comes to cannabis concentrates like shatter, proper storage is crucial to maintain its potency, flavor, and overall quality. Shatter, known for its glass-like appearance and high THC content, can degrade if not stored correctly. This is particularly important when dealing with cheaper shatter, as quality control might not be as rigorous. Here’s a guide on how to store cheap shatter without compromising its quality:

1. Choose the Right Storage Container

Material Matters: Use airtight, non-reactive containers to store shatter. Glass or silicone containers are ideal. Avoid plastic containers as they can interact with the concentrate and affect its flavor and potency.

Avoid Direct Contact: Ensure the shatter does not come into direct contact with the container’s interior. Use parchment paper or a non-stick silicone liner to prevent sticking and preserve the concentrate.

2. Maintain an Optimal Temperature

Cool and Consistent: Store shatter in a cool, dark place away from heat sources. Ideal storage temperatures are between 60-70°F (15-21°C). Extreme temperatures can cause the concentrate to degrade or become too brittle.

Avoid Refrigeration: While it might be tempting to store shatter in the fridge or freezer, this can lead to condensation when removed, which can negatively impact the concentrate’s texture and quality.

3. Protect from Light and Air

Dark Storage: Exposure to light, especially UV rays, can cause cannabinoids to degrade. Keep shatter in a dark place or in opaque containers to shield it from light.

Minimize Air Exposure: Air can cause oxidation, which degrades the quality of shatter over time. Make sure your storage container is sealed tightly to minimize air exposure.

4. Keep it Dry

Humidity Control: High humidity can cause shatter to become sticky and difficult to handle. Ensure the storage area is dry and the container is moisture-proof. Avoid storing shatter in areas prone to humidity, like near a sink or in damp conditions.

Use Desiccants: If you’re particularly concerned about moisture, consider using a desiccant packet in your storage container to absorb any excess humidity.

5. Handle with Care

Use Clean Tools: When handling shatter, use clean, dry tools to avoid contamination. Avoid using your fingers, as oils and residues can affect the quality of the concentrate.

Avoid Frequent Handling: Excessive handling can also lead to degradation. Only handle shatter when necessary, and always use clean tools to minimize exposure to air and contaminants.

6. Regular Inspection

Check for Quality: Periodically inspect your shatter for any changes in texture, color, or aroma. If you notice any significant changes, it may be a sign that the concentrate is degrading.

Adjust Storage as Needed: If you detect issues like increased stickiness or changes in consistency, reassess your storage conditions and make adjustments to ensure optimal preservation.


Proper storage is key to maintaining the quality of cheap shatter. By using airtight, non-reactive containers, keeping the concentrate at a stable temperature, protecting it from light and air, and handling it with care, you can ensure that your shatter remains potent and enjoyable. Regular inspections and adjustments to your storage practices will further help in preserving the quality of your concentrate. Remember, even though the shatter is inexpensive, taking these steps will ensure you get the most out of your cannabis concentrate.